What is the Recommended Toyota Camry Maintenance Schedule?

Although many people neglect taking care of their car, making sure your car is running optimally and as intended, ensures that you are safe while driving it. One make and model that does a great job of taking care of its driver is the Toyota Camry – which is most often known for reliability. However, in recent years, it has also become known for its style and efficiency.

As you can assume, when it comes to can maintenance requirements, that is often some variation between different manufacturers. That being said, understanding the Toyota Camry maintenance schedule, much like the general Toyota maintenance schedule will help you take care of the vehicle and get it to last as many miles as possible. The Camry service schedule or Toyota factory service schedule
consists of a few major services as well as regular maintenance along the way. This article aims to break down the maintenance required for Toyota Camry at each core mile interval. It will review the mileage and what you should be completed as recommended by the Toyota Camry maintenance schedule. Read on to learn more about the Toyota Camry major service checklist and how it can help you maintain your Camry for years to come.

Toyota Camry 5,000 Mile Service

Just because your Camry is new, doesn’t mean you don’t need to bring it in for service. Though generally unlikely, even new cars have the potential to have flaws that should be addressed as soon as possible. At your Toyota’s 5,000 mile service, you can expect relatively low costs as you should only need new oil, a new oil filter, and tire rotation. Variations can occur from weather conditions and driving habits however this is a typical service at 5,000 miles. Moving forward, this type of service should be completed every 5,000 miles leading up to the next milestone in the recommended Toyota maintenance schedule.

Toyota Camry 30,000 Mile Service

By this point, your Camry has been cruising along and you’re ready for your first investment in long-term care for your Toyota. When following the recommended Toyota maintenance schedule, the typical maintenance you should have completed includes a new cabin air filter, air filter replacement, and cooling system flush. Included in this service can be your normal oil change and filter along with rotating your tires. This is a great time to try out a new technician, as we recommend when finding a good mechanic by starting with a small job or service first. The cost for your Camry 30,000 mile service should be somewhere between $250 – $500, depending on if you go to a shop or dealer.

Toyota Camry 60,000 Mile Service

You’ve now doubled the miles from your first major Camry maintenance investment and your car should still be feeling as good as new. As expected, as you put more miles on your car, you will need to replace components you have not yet replaced. At your Toyota 60000 mile service, the service should include everything from your 30,000-mile service and 5,000-mile service plus now replacing the spark plugs and getting a valve clearance adjustment. The pricing for the Toyota 60,000 mile service often ranges from $275 at local auto shops to upwards of $785 at the dealership. By now, forming a good relationship with a local mechanic shop will help you in many ways including your wallet.

Toyota Camry 80,000 Mile Service

Take a breath because you and your trustworthy Camry have come quite a ways! Another 20,000 miles have been acquired but not to worry, this next Toyota recommended maintenance schedule is generally a minor one. At the 80,000 mile service interval, your vehicle may begin to experience normal wear and tear on particular parts such as the drive belts, motor mounts, and hoses. However, for most Camry owners, this generally means a run-of-the-mill oil change, tire rotation, and a filter change. Other inspections may include those for fluid leaks as well as a checkup to listen for strange noises and other irregular changes in the vehicle.

Toyota Camry 90,000 Mile Service

You’ve been doing a great job keeping up with the maintenance required for Toyota Camrys and are now being rewarded with a reliable car that you may even have paid off by now. When strictly following the recommended toyota maintenance schedule, your 90,000-mile service is the big one. At this service appointment, expect to complete your 30k mile service and 5k mile service. You will not need to complete your 60k mile service this time around. For your 90,000 mile service, you should also have a timing belt replacement and water pump replacement. The Toyota Camry 90,000 mile service cost will likely be your most expensive service with the high range for cost at the dealership reaching $1,650. If you are looking for Toyota service in Salt Lake City, we sure hope you have found us already before making this investment. If not, we’re happy to take care of this important service for you!

Toyota Camry LE ready for 90,000 mile service

Toyota Camry 120k Service

As you near the expected life for most new cars, you should find that your Camry is still performing quite well, especially since you have kept up with your Toyota Camry maintenance schedule. Your 120,000-mile service will look nearly identical to your 60,000-mile service. The 120,000-mile service is a combination of the 5k, 30k, and 60k service. As your vehicle gets older, you should expect to start finding minor issues that will also need to be repaired. The 120k Camry service will be a little more than your 60k service and is somewhere between $400 and $1,100.

Toyota Camry 150,000 Mile Service

If you have followed the recommended Toyota Camry maintenance schedule all the way to 150,000 miles, you and your mechanic should now be in a rhythm. Each service that is completed is a combination of services you have done in the past. Your Camry 150,000-mile service will be the 5k and 30k service as you completed the 60,000-mile service 30,000 miles ago. Once again expect to find a thing or two that have worn out over the years. Pricing here can be anywhere from $250 to $1,100.

Toyota Camry Maintenance Schedule and Beyond

graphing toyota camry service schedule costs

As discussed, you can help extend the life of your Camry by scheduling service based on the suggested Toyota service intervals. Now that you understand the Toyota Camry maintenance schedule, you can confidently take care of your car to make sure that it hits the next milestone with confidence. The graph above gives an idea of what to expect over the miles and years of service as well as estimated cost.

To ensure that your vehicle is up to snuff for the long run, keep following our Toyota Camry recommended scheduled maintenance guide. At GT Automotive, we’re not simply excellent at auto repairs, we’re car enthusiasts who are thrilled when owners abide by the recommended Toyota Camry service schedule. If you have any questions regarding the Toyota recommended service mileage maintenance schedule, don’t hesitate to inquire with our experienced and knowledgeable staff!

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